28 Days To Being The Queen of Your Emotions

Your emotions are more than just happy and sad. Your emotions have a role in:

  • Everyday life and how you handle unexpected events
  • How you manage day-to-day stresses
  • Your health since buried emotions can take root in the body resulting in health concerns
  • How you parent – because that is the least stressful role, right?!
  • Building a successful business
  • Walking with confidence and owning all of who you are
  • Making good and aligned decisions in all areas of your life

Course Details

Wouldn’t it have been nice to have been taught how to process your emotions and given tools to stay grounded in the middle of chaos??

You may relate to our emotions by repressing them or by losing yourself in them as the emotion overpowers you.  Both result in losing a piece of yourself, feeling uncentered, disempowered, overwhelmed or withdrawn.

My desire is to empower you with awareness of your emotions and triggers, to give you the skills and tools to face your emotions head on knowing that you have the tools to be with the emotion, liberate it and feel centred during the process. Underneath you will discover the power being in tune to your emotional health gives you and the impact it has on your relationships and your business.

This 28-day training will be walking you through:

    • Understanding your emotions on a deeper level
    • Recognising triggers and how to self-sooth while experiencing the emotion
    • How to speak about what you are feeling with your partner in a non-threatening way
    • How to use your breath to liberate old and new emotions
    • The power that sound and movement play in moving the emotional energy
    • Key essential oils for additional emotional support and how to use them
    • Embodiment practises so you can relate to your emotions on a whole new level
    • Meditations so you can come into your body mind and open the gates of communication with your body in a whole new way

Say yes to feeling a powerful connection to your mind and body you didn’t know was possible

By the end of the 28 days you will have:

    • Developed a new relationship with your emotions
    • Increased awareness around conditioning and your personal triggers
    • Learned how to process them without losing your “queen” self
    • Have mastered tools and practises that you can use for the rest of your life and even ones you can teach your kids
    • Experienced the power and wisdom your body holds and why its key for queening your emotions
    • Discovered what it feels like to be grounded and centred and how to make this your new reality

28 Day Program for $97 USD

Instant Full Access – work at your own pace with each module, so you can understand the mind, body and emotions on a new level

Have guided practices to embody what you are learning: Written practices, meditations or embodiment exercises

Learn a new essential oil that’s best paired with that week’s practice

Plus, lifetime access so you can continue to come back to these practices as needed

Say yes to YOU. You feeling empowered, connected, vibrant and alive. To feel confident and safe to feel again.

Here is an overview of the 4 modules

Each module will include at least one home play practise to further your understanding and for you to embody the tools you are learning

Module 1: Create the foundation to thrive in gaining a new relationship with your emotions. Connect with your body on a somatic level and dive in to break free of the conditioning you received around your emotions

Module 2: Power of your breath. Discover how you can turn to your breath to liberate emotions as well as to fuel your body for nourishment. Deepen your connection with a tool that is ALWAYS at your disposal

Module 3: Moving with your emotions and learning to releasing the energy they hold. You will be gaining tools to drop into your experience in a powerful and collaborative way

Module 4: Opening the heart. Communicating effectively and triggers. Juicy topics for you to explore

Bonus Module: Pleasure is Your Superpower